Introduction of our GROUP
Our Team's research activities focus broadly on biomedical science and engineering, ranging from Flexible, Implantable, and Cyber-Physical Sensors, Micro/Nano/Bio Robotics and Sensing, Artificial Intelligence, Super-Resolution, to Single Cell Analysis.
We are recruiting PhD Students now to explore the frontiers cyber-physical skin sensors for healthcare and Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnostics.

Published Work
Shown here are examples of research areas that we have published our work in the past 20years.
*For full publication list, please visit Prof. Wen J Li’s Google Scholar Profile and ResearchGate Profile.
YZ Zhang, JG Wang, , HB Yu, JC Zheng, XB Zhao, , HJ Guo, ... & WJ Li. A chemotactic microrobot with integrated iridescent surface for optical-tracking. Chemical Engineering Journal, 144222 (2023).
YF Liu, M Chen, C Chan, HY Chan, J Wang, X Yu, ... & WJ Li. AI‐Enabled Micro Motion Sensors for Revealing the Random Daily Activities of Caged Mice. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 5(4), 2200220 (2023).
M Chen, HF Szu, HY Lin, YF Liu Y, HY Chan, Y Wang, ... & WJ Li. Phase-based Quantification of Sports Performance Metrics Using a Smart IoT Sensor. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, (2023).
YL Zhao, JL Liu, C Lian, ... & WJ Li. A Single Smart Ring for Monitoring 20 Kinds of Multi‐Intensity Daily Activities––From Kitchen Work to Fierce Exercises. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 4(12), 2200204 (2022).
Y Qiu, HB Yu, JC Zheng, XD Wang, YZ Zhang, H Luo, ... & WJ Li. Fabrication of an arrayed microstructure surface using a femtosecond laser for colloidal particles self-assembly. Optics & Laser Technology, 156, 108573 (2022).
J Suo, YF Liu, C Wu, M Chen, QY Huang, ... & WJ Li. Wide‐Bandwidth Nanocomposite‐Sensor Integrated Smart Mask for Tracking Multiphase Respiratory Activities. Advanced Science, 9(31), 2203565 (2022).
QY Huang, C Wu, SL Hou, K Yao, H Sun, Y Wang, ... &WJ Li. Mapping of Spatiotemporal Auricular Electrophysiological Signals Reveals Human Biometric Clusters. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 11(23), 2201404 (2022).
WX Zhao, HB Yu, Z Ge, XD Wang, YZ Zhang, YD Wen, ... & WJ Li. Characterization of interconnectivity of gelatin methacrylate hydrogels using photoacoustic imaging. Lab on a Chip, 22(4), 727-732 (2022).
YL Zhao, LJ Gu, H Sun, XP Sha, & WJ Li. Physical Cytometry: Detecting Mass-Related Properties of Single Cells. ACS sensors, 7(1), 21-36 (2022).
Y Qiu, HB Yu, JC Zheng, XD Wang, YZ Zhang, H Luo, ... & WJ Li. Fabrication of an Arrayed Microstructure Surface Based on a Femtosecond Laser for Colloidal Particles Self-Assembly. Available at SSRN 4094135 (2022).

WJL Research Lab
Location: Y1513 & Y1441
Phone: +852 3442 2327
City University of Hong Kong
83 Tat Chee Ave, Kowloon Tong
Our Collaborators & Sponsors

Hong Kong Research Grant Council

National High-tech R&D Program (863 Program)
(863 計劃)

National Natural Science Foundation of China

Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission

Chinese Academy of Sciences