[04/2022] Our team won a Gold Medal at the Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days (IGED) 2021, a virtual edition of the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva.
[06/2023] Congratulation to Suo Jiao, Yifan, Andy, Qingyun, and Chen Meng for publishing their join work on "Wide-Bandwidth Nanocomposite-Sensor Integrated Smart Mask" in Advanced Science!
[06/2022] Congratulations to Ka Wai on his graduation!
[01/2022] Congratulate Wenxiu for winning the Best Conference Paper Award from IEEE-ROBIO 2021!
[11/2021] Ka Wai KONG and Hiu Ling CHAN, the CityU team won the Innovation Award in (University/ Tertiary Institute) of the City I&T Challenge. Their awarded invention is “Smart ring enabling the visually impaired and the elderly the ultimate freedom to explore the world”.
Organized by HKSTP and ITC, the first ever City I&T Grand Challenge aims at solving important challenges that affect Hongkongers’ everyday life by innovative ideas from all around the world.
[04/2021] - Prof. Li will give a Keynote Lecture at the EAI BODYNETS 2021 - 16th EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks: Smart IoT and big data for intelligent health management, October 2021. He will present our group's work on: Applying AI Sensors to TCM Diagnostics – Conformable 3D and Skin-like Sensors as New Biometric Tools for Human Physiological Monitoring.
(Conference Link:
[04/2021] Our team won a Gold Medal at the Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days (IGED) 2021, a virtual edition of the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva.
[04/2021] Prof. LI and Dr. ZHANG GL have received HK$2.65 Million from the ITC to develop an eco-cosmetic packaging solution.(ITF:" "Eco-Cosmetic Intelligent Packaging System Based on Industrial IoT").
[08/2020] Ms. ZHANG Yuzhao's recent work in using OEK-based cell separation technology is published in Science Advances.
[08/2020] Prof. Li received HKD $3M grant from RGC to develop 3D intergrated robotic and sensing structures using multi-layered nano-ink circuit deposition.
[04/2020] Dr. WANG Yufan's start-up AI-MOTION SPORTS (AIMS) received few million dollars recently to development sensors for sports education training.
[09/2019] - Prof. Li gave a Keynote Speech on “Intelligent Cyberphysical Sensors for Healthcare Applications” at the Cross-Straits and Hong Kong and Macau Smart Healthcare Collaborative Innovation Forum (海峡两岸暨港澳智慧医疗协同创新论坛), 6th World Nobel Laureate Biomedical Summit, September 21, 2019, Shenzhen, China.
[08/2019] James's graduation dinner.
[08/2019] Receiving 2 new grants: ITF and CAS-CityU Joint Lab scheme project.
[09/2018] Prof. W. J. Li visited the prestigious KAIST (Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) in mid-September and lectured at the Int. Workshop on Micro/Nano-engineered Smart Sensors and Devices.
[06/2018] Congratulations! Shahzain will be pursuing his graduate studies as a PhD student at UCLA Mechanical Engineering, whereas Junhui will be pursuing his graduate studies under the supervision of Prof. SUN Yu in UofT.
[05/2018] Welcome HUANG Qingyun for joining our team for his graduate studies.
[06/2018] Congratulations! Shahzain will be pursuing his graduate studies as a PhD student at UCLA Mechanical Engineering, whereas Junhui will be pursuing his graduate studies under the supervision of Prof. SUN Yu in UofT.