Research Grants*
*In Hong Kong, the cost of a Research Assistant is ~HK$180,000/year. Prof. Li has also received financial investments from the private sector to startup companies at the Hong Kong Science Park. These private sector funds are not listed here.
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong General Research Fund (RGC): “A Microfluidic Pervaporation Device for Fabrication of Nanoparticle-Based Metalens for Dry Environment Super-Resolution Imaging (採用渗透蒸發微流體器件製造乾燥環境中超分辨成像的纳米颗粒超透镜)”, Project Number: CityU 11216120, HK$ 1,195,500, Jun 2020.
Principal Investigator, France/HK Joint Research Scheme: “ARIANROD - Fast real-time optical monitoring of the interaction of silver nanoparticles with proteins for kinetic diagnostic”, Project Number: F-CityU104/19, HK$ 90,000, Apr 2020.
Principal Investigator, Germany/HK Joint Research Scheme: “Microassembly of Nano-robotic Cantilevers with Superlens of Various Morphologies for Scanning Superlens Applications”, Project Number: G-CityU104/19, HK$ 89,400, Jan 2020.
Principal Investigator, MainGov - Research Projects funded by the Mainland Government: “大视场纳米尺度超分辨测量与成像系统”, Project Number: SGDX2019081623121725, RMB$ 3,000,000, Oct 2019.
Principal Investigator, CAS-HK Joint Laboratory Scheme (JLFS): “Development of 3D Integrated Robotics and Sensing Structures using Multi-layered Nano-ink Circuit Deposition”, Project Number: JLFS/E-104/18, HK$ 2,995,000, Jul 2019.
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong General Research Fund (RGC): “Atomization of Viscous Fluids for Digital Scent Technology Using an Integrated Micro-droplet Generation Platform”, Project Number: CityU 11204918, HK$ 632,421, Oct 2018-Sep 2021.
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Fund — University-Industry Collaboration Programme (Matching Grant for Joint Research Scheme): “Audio-Fingerprint Activated Scent Releasing Platform”, Project Number: UM/332, HK$1,411,050 (HK$705,525 from ITC; HK705,525 from private company), Jan 2018-Jan 2019.
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Fund — University-Industry Collaboration Programme (Matching Grant for Joint Research Scheme): “An Implantable Micro-Sensing System for Tracking Animal Motion Behaviors”, Project Number: UM/326, HK$1,143,100 (HK$571,550 from ITC; HK$571,550 from private company), Nov 2017-Apr 2019.
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong General Research Fund (RGC): “An Opto-microfluidics Platform for High-throughput Single-Cell Death Recognition and Drug Testing”, Project Number: CityU 11213817), HK$695, 854, Oct 2017-Sep 2020.
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong General Research Fund (RGC): “Nanolens-Array-Based Fast Scanning Near-Field Optical System for Large Area Nanoscale Imaging”, Project Number: CityU 11205415), HK$695, 854, Jan 2016-Dec 2018.
Principal Investigator, NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme: “Programmable and Integrated Fabrication of Nano-material Devices by Optically-Induced Force Field”, Project Number: N_CityU132/14, HK$HK$852,950, Jan 2015-Dec 2018.
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Fund — University-Industry Collaboration Programme (Matching Grant for Joint Research Scheme): “A Pen-sized Biocompatible MEMS Atomizer for Aromatherapy and Wellbeing Applications”, Project Number: UM/263 (9440121), HK$1,283,365 (HK$640,550 from ITC; HK$641,700 from private company), Nov 2014-Oct 2016.
Principle Investigator, Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Fund (Tier 3): “Green Motion Sensors: Graphene-based Eco-Friendly Micro Accelerometers”, Hong Kong Innovation Technology Fund (ITS/143/13), HK$968,300 (ITC) +$50,000 (Sengital Ltd.), Dec 2013 to May 2015.
Principle Investigator, Hong Kong General Research Fund (RGC): “Rapid Separation of B-Lymphoma and Red Blood Cells by Optically-Induced Electrokinetics”, HK$860,000 (CityU Project Code: 118513), Jan 1 2014 to Dec 31, 2015.
Principle Investigator, Shenzhen Knowledge Innovation Plan (Basic Research), Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee: “Optical Microrobot for High-throughput Cancer and Stem Cells Identification and Characterization” (用于高通量肿瘤和干细胞鉴别与特征分析的光学微机器人), RMB$100,000, Sept 2014 – Aug 2015.
Principle Investigator (Hong Kong side), Guangdong Province International Science and Technology Cooperation Project, Guangdong Province Science and Technology Agency (2012年广东省对外合作项目), “ 基于MEMS的科普体验设备动作感知交互系统关键技术研究”, RMB$300,000 (CityU received RMB$150,000 from this project).
Principal Investigator, CAS-Croucher Funding Scheme for Joint Laboratories: “Bio-manipulation and Bio-marking by Optically-induced Electrokinetics”, Project Number: 9500011, HK$1,000,000, 2012-2015.
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong General Research Fund (RGC): “Automated Fabrication of Bio-Polymer Structures by Optically-Induced Dielectrophoresis”, Project Number: CityU 116912, HK$ 905,425, 2012-2014.
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong ASTRI Research Contract: “3D Human Gesture Tracking based on Micro-IMU and Vision Sensor Fusion” (Project Number: 9211037), HK$260,000, 2012.
Principal Investigator, CityU IR2F Fund: “A Ubiquitous 3D Input System based on μIMU-Vision Fusion Technology” (Project Number: 9666011), HK$370,000, 2012-2013.
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong ASTRI Research Contract: “Motion Sensor MMI (Man Machine Interface) Technology”, 2008-2010, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (project code: ARD/038), HK$336,375.
Project Coordinator/Principal Investigator, Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Fund: “Development of MEMS-based uIMU for Life-Saving Applications”, HK$2.433Million, (GHP/029/06), 2007-2009.
Principal Investigator, Chinese National 863 Plan Project: “面向微纳制造的DEP自动化装配技术研究” (Automated Micro/Nano Manufacturing Based on DEP Assembly), (Project Ref. No.: 2007AA04Z317), RMB$850,000, 2007-2009.
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong RGC Grant: “Fabrication of CMOS-Integrated Carbon Nanotube Sensors by DEP and Nano-Spotting Technologies”, HK$1,204,500, (Project code: 413906), 2006 to 2009.
Principal Investigator, Nation Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Grant: “Theoretical Investigation of DEP-based Manipulation of Micro and Nano Particles”, RMB$270,000; project number: 60675060, 2007-2009 (“基于介电泳的微/纳米粒子并行操纵基础理论方法研究”, 国家自然科学基金; 项目号:60675060).
Project Coordinator/PI of the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Fund: “Development of Ultra-Low-Power Alcohol Vapor Sensors Based on Functionalized CNT Sensing Elements (ITS/027/06), HK$1,021,700, 01/09/2006 to 31/08/2007.
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Fund: “A Ubiquitous Digital Writing Instrument Using MEMS Motion Sensing Technology”, HK$3.766Million, Dec 01, 2004 to Nov 30, 2006.
Principal Investigator, Shun Hing Institute of Advanced Engineering grant for “Systematic Synthesis of Bio-Nano-Informatics Chips”, HK$1,284,000, April 01, 2005 to March 31, 2007.
Principal Investigator, Consultancy Project:”Development of Automated Bio Reaction/Detection and DNA Spotting Systems”, HKDNA Chips Limited, (Project Code 7000472), HK$323,940, 2003 to 2004.
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong RGC Grant: “Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube Sensor Arrays Using Robotic Micro-injection and Di-electrophoretic Manipulation”, HK$413,980, 2004 to 2006 (CUHK4177/04E).
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong RGC Grant: “Nano-Fixture Enabled Robotic Assembly of Nanodevices”, HK$749,329, PC: 2150343, 2003 to 2006 (CUHK 4225/03).
Principal Investigator, The Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Distinguished Oversea Scholar Grant: “Micro and Nano Manipulations Science and Technology”, RMB$2,000,000, 2003-2005.
Principal Investigator, Chinese National 863 Plan project: “Polymer-Based MEMS Devices for Cellular Manipulation and Sensing”, (Project Ref. No.: 2002AA431620), RMB$500,000, 2002-2004.
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong RGC Grant: “A Force and Impact Sensing System for Robotic Micro-assembly”, $806,404, CUHK 4381/02, 2002 to 2005.
Project Coordinator/Principal Investigator, Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Fund: “Eco-safe Human-motion-powered MEMS Energy Generator for Mobile Electronic Devices”, Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Fund (ITS/185/01), HK$2,500,000, 2002 to 2004.
Principal Investigator, National High Technology Research and Development Plan (863 Plan): “An Automated Desk-top Fabrication System for Low-cost Manufacturing of Integrated Micro-fluidic and Nano-fluidic Lab-on-Chips” (低成本集成微纳流体芯片实验室的自动装配系统的研究; Project Ref. No.: 2001AA422320), RMB$800,000, 2002 to 2004, (in collaboration with Prof. G. C. Shi’s group at Beijing Institute of Technology).
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong RGC Earmarked Grant: “Integrated Micromechanical Switches for Adaptive Fractal Antenna Arrays”, CUHK 4215/01E, HK$653,237, 2001 to 2004.
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong Information Technology Entrepreneurs Program Grant: “Wireless Network Micro Sensors”, 6900916, HK$268,400, 1999 to 2001.
Principal Investigator, Hong Kong RGC Grant: “Micromachined Nafion Actuators for Tactile-display Systems”, CUHK 4206/00E, HK$501,817, 2000 to 2002.
Principal Investigator, “A MEMS Vibration Electric Power Generator”, CUHK 4416/99E, 2150201, HK$451,000, 1999 to 2001.
Received the State Key Laboratories Visiting Scholars Grant from Chongqing University, China to work on Micro Power Generation Devices for Space Systems, RMB$100,000 (1999-2000).
Prof. Li also served as a co-investigator for the following projects
Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF): “Artificial intelligence recognitions for traditional Chinese medicine pulse patterns and its correlation study with body constitution types in healthy human subjects”, HK$254,940 out of $1,491,344, Mar 2020.
Theme-based Research Scheme: “Intelligent Robotics for Elderly Assistance in Hong Kong”, $2,700,000 out of $4,333,300, Sep 2019.
Hong Kong General Research Fund, “Automated 3D Cell Patterning by Optically-induced Micro Manipulation and Fabrication”, HK$695,854, September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2017.
Hong Kong General Research Fund, “Measurement of Single Cell Mass based on Transient Motion by Dynamic Dielectrophoretic Field”, HK$692,521.00, Jan. 2015 to Dec. 2017.
Hong Kong General Research Fund, “Investigating Optically-induced Hydrodynamic Instability for Fabricating Cancer Cell Capture and Release Platforms”, HK$650,000.00, Jan. 2015 to Dec. 2017.
“Measurement of Single Cell Mass based on Transient Motion by Dynamic Dielectrophoretic Field”, Hong Kong General Research Fund (RGC Grant), HK$692,521, Jan 2015-Dec 2017, (PI is Dr. ZHANG Guanglie, CityU).
“Investigating Optically-induced Hydrodynamic Instability for Fabricating Cancer Cell Capture and Release Platforms”, Hong Kong General Research Fund (RGC Grant), HK$650,000, Jan 2015-Dec 2017, (PI is Dr. John D. H. Mai, CityU).
“ODEP Biochip Development for Cancer Cells Screening and Efficacy Testing”, Shenzhen Key Technologies Development Funding of Nanshan District, funding applied: RMB$2,000,000, Guanglie ZHANG (PI) and Wen Jung LI (Co-I).
Shenzhen Key Technologies Development Funding of Nanshan District, “ODEP Biochip Development for Cancer Cells Screening and Efficacy Testing”, RMB$2,000,000, Jan. 2014 to Dec. 2015.
CUHK Matching Fund, “Ultra-high Resolution Electron-Beam Lithography System”, 2008-09-01 to 2011-06-30, HK$2,587,500.
University Grants Committee - Special Equipment Grant, “Ultra-high Resolution Electron-Beam Lithography System”, 2008-09-01 to 2011-06-30, HKD 7,762,500.
Innovation and Technology Support Programme, “Development of a Myoelectric Stimulation Device for Ankle Sprain Correction in a Sprain-Free Running Shoe”, HK$999,936.00, 2008-10-01 to 2010-03-31.
Innovation and Technology Support Programme. “Development of an Ankle Sprain Identification and Alarm System with an In-shoe Sensor System in a Sprain-free Running Shoe”, HK$ 998,117, 2007-11-01 to 2009-01-31.
“Ultra-high Resolution Electron-Beam Lithography System”, sponsored by CUHK Matching Fund during the period 2008-09-01 to 2011-06-30 for the sum of HK$2,587,500.00
“Development of a Myoelectric Stimulation Device for Ankle Sprain Correction in a Sprain-Free Running Shoe”, sponsored by Innovation and Technology Support Programme during the period 2008-10-01 to 2010-03-31 for the sum of HK$999,936.
“Development of an Ankle Sprain Identification and Alarm System with an In-shoe Sensor System in a Sprain-free Running Shoe”, sponsored by Innovation and Technology Support Programme during the period 2007-11-01 to 2009-01-31 for the sum of HK$ 998,117.
“Carbon-Nanotube-Measured Wall Shear Stress and Boundary Layer Control Based on Actuator-Generated Surface Oscillation”, sponsored by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, HK$767,625, 2006-009.
“Photonics Packaging Lab”, sponsored by the Innovation Technology Commission, HK$11,000,000, 2001 to 2004.
“Virtual Reality, Visualization, and Imaging Research”, sponsored by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, HK$3,000,000 (1999-2002).
“Control of Micro Mirrors for Optical Switching”, AoE in Information Technology Fund, Networks: Phase 1 Project, HK$213,000, 2001 to 2002.
Hong Kong Research Grants Council, “Carbon-Nanotube-Measured Wall Shear Stress and Boundary Layer Control Based on Actuator-Generated Surface Oscillation”, HK$767,625, 2006-009.
Innovation Technology Fund, “Photonics Packaging Lab”, HK$11,000,000, 2001 to 2004.
Hong Kong General Research Fund, “Virtual Reality, Visualization, and Imaging Research”, HK$3,000,000, 1999-2002.
AoE in Information Technology Fund, “Control of Micro Mirrors for Optical Switching”, Networks: Phase 1 Project, HK$213,000, 2001 to 2002.