Prof. Li's Awards/Honors
Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Open Journal on Nanotechnology (September 2019 – present)
AIAA (Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association) Fellow, elected in 2021
National Thousand Talents Plan Awardee, 2020
President, IEEE Nanotechnology Council (serve in 2016 and 2017)
IEEE NTC Distinguished Lecturer (2014/2015)
1000 Talents Awardee, Zhejiang Province (浙江省千人計劃), 2012
ASME Fellow, elected in October 2011
IEEE Fellow, elected in November 2010
100 Talents Awardee (百人計劃; Distinguished Overseas Scholar), Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2004
General Chair, 2014 IEEE Int. Conf. on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Hawaii, USA
General Chair, 2007 IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, Hong Kong, HKSAR
General Chair, 2005 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Biomimetics, Hong Kong, HKSAR
Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2006, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Winner, Best Conference Video Award, 2011 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE-ROBIO 2011), Phuket, Thailand.
Winner, Best Student Paper, 2007 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE-ROBIO 2007), Sanya, China.
Winner, Best Conference Paper, 2007 IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Mechatronics (IEEE/ASME AIM 2007), Zurich, Switzerland.
Winner, Best Conference Paper, Finalist, Best Student Paper; Finalist, Ben Wegbreit Best Manipulation Paper; at the 2003 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (IEEE-ICRA 2003), Taipei, Taiwan.